Jan 11, 2011

Quiet Time

Sometimes it seems we live an interesting life.  Other times it feels like we are going through the motions.  Right now it feels like the latter.  We left Savannah for a short trip to the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park on Monday the 3rd.  This is a nice quiet state park in northern Florida.  We had a nice, long private pull thru site.  We were there until last Friday and other than taking some walks it was a very quiet time.  We didn't even move the car.

The highlight of the week was meeting another full-timing couple, Bob and Angie.  They have been on the road for over a year.  Like us they are now residents of South Dakota, former residents of California.  Funny, we meet lots of people who are FROM California.  Wonder if taxes has anything to do with it????  We even know some people formerly from northern California who just became residents of Texas.  Next thing you know they are acting like kids, buying all kinds of things with weird names like Droids, and Wii's.  Maybe having an address on Rainbow drive does that to you!

On Friday we moved down to a Passport America Park in Port Richey.  We moved from a beautiful spot with lots of room to a 70's era park where you can reach out and touch your neighbor's unit, which in most cases is a single wide mobile home.  Nice people, clean and safe, but not our type of place.  We wanted to be near Tampa to receive some mail, do some shopping, and attend the RV show this week, so this place will do.

We are trying to embrace slowing down and moving less often.  We are on our way to the Keys and we have a reservation in a park close to Key West.  We are both looking forward to being down there and hope the weather cooperates.  It has been rainy and cool here, but it beats being in an RV this time of year in the Midwest.  Sunday afternoon we took a drive south to Clearwater Beach and Tarpon Springs.  We were familiar with both of these area from our boating days. The last few years have been rough for these tourist areas.  Things look run down with lots of empty buildings.  I wonder what will happen to these areas as the baby boomers get older.  Will their kids want to come to these same areas?  I know our kids don't.

If I sound somber, it's because that's what I'm feeling right now.  How can you not, if you watch the news at all.  To me the real tragedy of Saturday in Tucson is how quick we are to place the blame on one another.  Whether you are on the Right or the Left it seemed more important to blame the other side than to admit that sometimes we as human beings do some pretty bad things.  What did inspire me were the accounts of how some very normal people acted with bravery during this horrific time.  Once again I am reminded of how fragile and precious life is, so we better make the most of each day because you never know.

What I do know is that there are lots of things in life that are out of our control. But the things I put in my mouth, and the words I let come out of my mouth, those I can control.  So that's what I'm working on.  Weight loss update.  Down 2 pounds since first of the year.

Until later.


Gail Houle said...

Congrats on the weight loss!

Great things to work on. If we all watched the words that came out of our mouths, this would be a much better place.

Carol K said...

Thank you for posting your thoughts about the murders in Arizona. I think that the only person who should be blamed is the shooter--not his parents, not Arizona, and certainly not Sarah Palin.

Melissa said...

Great job on the weight loss Dad. And I agree with you on the Arizona tragedy. The media ought to be ashamed of themselves.