Friday, February 9
With the weather channel calling for rain again all the way up the northern coast today we weren't sure we wanted to leave Santa Rosa. However by 8:45 we were on our way, heading North up Highway 101 and as it turned out we glad we did.
North of Santa Rosa, the highway winds and curves it's way through the mountains and is sometimes a 4 lane road and other times becomes 2 lane. Beautiful in spite of the rain.
Just south of the little town of Garberville, we found a lovely turn off area that was right beside the Eel river so we pulled over to fix a quick lunch of ham and cheese wraps. By the time we had finished eating the rain had just about stopped -- so don't always go by the weather channel's forecast :)
We decided that we would try to go as far as Crescent City today and found an RV park listed in the Passport America guide for $12. a night with full hook-ups.
So, with that being our destination, we came into this little town, tired from 6 hrs of driving, and we began the search for King Street where we needed to turn to go into this park. Of course, the street sign was very small we didn't see it and just after driving past it we realized our mistake.
Now one of our (mostly John's) pet peeves is overshooting the entrance to an rv park since our home doesn't turn on a dime especially when towing the jeep. After a few heated words between driver and navigator (note to Melissa, we did refrain from using the D word) we found a empty gravel lot to turn around in and we headed back to the missed park. Upon entering the park we discovered the office was closed because of manager illness but there was a sign instructing us to just pick a site and settle up later. All the empty sites were small and would have required us to unhook the jeep and back in.
It was approaching 4pm and we were tired and ready to stop for the night. We didn't really like the look and feel of this place but we weren't sure where to go. We even thought about spending the night in the local Walmart parking lot, if we could find it. We remembered a park we passed as we were coming into town that had looked ok but didn't want to spend full price on full hook-ups when all we really needed was just electric. We drove out of the first RV park and down the road into the Shoreline RV Campground where they gave us a deal- full hookups for $17. since the park was practically empty. And the best part about the campground, like the name said, it was right on the shore.